FleetMasterWEB is the web portal for monitoring and managing your fleet of vehicles and operating machines, for localization and for all the activities required under the Industry 4.0 regulation.
Access is conditional on entering your username and password, provided by TnD when subscribing to the "WEB VEHICLE TRACKING SERVICE".
The password must be entered using uppercase and lowercase letters.
APP for Apple and Android
Near the space for entering credentials, there are links that direct you to the FleetMaster APP, to be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet, because it is necessary for carrying out important functions in the Industry 4.0 context, such as the creation of an Operating Instruction as described later in the "Activities" section. The same credentials provided for using the WEB portal are used to access the FleetMaster APP.
Immediately after logging in, the Fleet page opens. On this page, all the vehicles belonging to the fleet are listed on the left, along with a large cartographic view of their location.
By selecting any of the vehicles from the list or from the icon on the map, the corresponding section opens which shows the Position, Status, Alarms, Activities menus in order.
All the data contained, including the position, refers to the last communication made by the iSat telemetry control units, installed on board the vehicles. Specifically, for operating machines, they are programmed to connect and update their parameters every time the dashboard is turned on or off, at intervals of one hour from one of these events.
In the fleet list, on the left the vehicles are preceded by a symbol indicating whether the dashboard was on (
) or off (
) at the time of the last connection.
On the right side, the data relating to the total working hours, the model and the serial number of the machine are shown in that order.
Below the list is the "Automatic zoom" option that keeps the cartography zoom at a level that allows you to show the entire fleet. The option below is related to "Vehicles not connected for over 7 days". This particular function is important to quickly check which vehicles in the fleet have not been connected for more than 7 days. After this time, in fact, it is reasonable to think of an interconnection problem, probably caused by a SIM malfunction or a system failure. Interconnection is essential for maintaining the requirements of correspondence to Industry 4.0 and it is therefore necessary, in this case, to contact the TnD assistance service at +390363704211.
Below, you can enter text to filter the fleet display by indicating a part of the name, serial number or license plate.
By clicking on the machine icon, you can access the following tables:
List of data relating to the date/time of the last communication, the status of the dashboard and engine (on/off), the geographic position (speed, direction, latitude and longitude) and the operator on board identified by the electronic key used (plug). The GPS indication indicates the status of the GPS at the time of the last connection, whether active (valid position) or inactive (last position). The inactive state can occur with the machine off, or on but in an area not reachable by the GPS signal (tunnel, shed, other physical constraints).
This table lists the vehicle status data provided by the iSat system such as odometer, hour meter, battery voltage.
In addition, in systems developed in accordance with the Industry 4.0 plan, the data sent by the PLC interface integrated into the machine data line are also visible, such as engine oil pressure, engine coolant and hydraulic oil temperatures, DPF regeneration status, DEF level, fuel (level and total used) and last fault, if managed. With regard to the last fault report, it includes three indications: "none" (when the data system has not detected any fault), "code, description and date" (when a fault has been detected, e.g. 360-3, Management Computer 1…etc. In this case, the system is equipped with a PLC gateway in the standard version and the indication refers to the last fault, any previous faults will not be displayed), "code, description, date and hour meter" (the fault detection mode is the same as the previous one, but in this case there is also a book icon
, which indicates that the system is equipped with a PLC gateway in the monitor version. By clicking on the book you can access the historical list of the last 20 faults.
The system allows reading of all available data, therefore it may happen that some data cannot be read depending on the model and type of machine.
In the alarms section you can view the telephone number of the SIM inserted in the iSat for data communication (SIM), the IMEI code of the GSM/GPRS module (IMEI) and the serial number (ID) of the iSat, the activation status of the electronic keys for enabling the start and operator recognition (eKey active/inactive) and the status of the start lock (active/off).
If you access the portal with "administrator" level credentials, the icons identifying the following functions are also displayed:
Activation of the ignition lockout
activation of second block (only where present)
deactivation of the ignition lockout
Access control management window
In this window you can select the keys/operators (plugs) authorised to deactivate the satellite system and operate the machine, allowing it to be started.
The system is designed to manage up to 16 keys. It is supplied with 2 keys, one for operation and one for spare. It is possible to request TnD to send additional keys.
The "Last alarm" and "Next service" fields are not managed directly by the WEB platform, but only in integration with a company management system via a dedicated SOAP API service, provided as an option by TnD.
The ignition lockout overrides any other system condition. If the machine fails to start, make sure it has not been activated by mistake.
The commands and settings are sent from the web (or from the APP) to the iSat system on board the machine during the data connection, therefore they are not immediate. Please remember that, unless otherwise set, the acquisition and therefore the execution of these commands/settings occurs when the machine dashboard is turned on or off, and every hour from the last connection.
In this table you can set an activity and monitor its progress. The activity is fundamental for the Industry 4.0 system because it allows you to describe a process that the selected vehicle must perform, assigning it a specific work area (geofence), pre-set.
Furthermore, the activity requires active intervention by the operator, who follows the various phases through the use of the APP or the Display on board the machine, helping to set up the telemetry system to carry out the assigned activity.
Creating an Operational Instruction (Activity or Job)
First of all, remember to download the FleetMaster APP, which allows you to interface with the WEB platform to send commands and configurations to the machine's iSat system.
The "Activity" section appears with the initial description "No activity in progress", click on the pencil icon.
The message "Finish the current activity or start a new one" appears, confirm with OK to start the new activity.
The configuration menu appears with the model and serial number of the machine, on which it is necessary to fill in all the fields relevant to the instruction:
Activity title identifying the planned activity
Description of the work to be done
Construction site address, specify the street and house number
City, Province, ZIP Code
Start and end date of works
Operator ID, to whom the task on board the machine is entrusted
Operator SIM, referring to the company telephone number of the operator in charge, who is the only one authorised to start the set activity
Press "Save and Send". At this point the instruction switches to "Waiting for acceptance from APP" mode (if it occurs via the APP supplied to the person in charge) or "Waiting for acceptance from Display" (if the Display is present on the machine).
The person in charge "Refuses" and therefore stops the activity.
The person in charge "Accepts" and then moves on to the next phase which is divided into two modes
Management with APP
The instruction status then switches to "Waiting for SMS start confirmation" mode
At the first useful connection (turning the ignition on or off, one hour after one of these events) the server configures the geofence area on the machine's iSat system, set at 2000 m from the specified construction site address
An SMS is sent to the operator SIM number with the request to confirm the start of the activity
The operator responds to the SMS with OK (case insensitive), receiving a confirmation SMS from the machine.
At the first useful connection, the activity status on the WEB will change to "In progress"
Management with Display
The activity parameters are transferred to the display, where it will be possible to accept or reject it by indicating the cause
Once the instruction is accepted, its status will change directly to "In progress"
When the work is finished, the person in charge "Finishes" the activity from the APP or Display, by selecting the same button. The status of the order changes to "Finished" mode and the data relating to the work is available on the server in the "Reports" section under the "Monthly Activity" heading
From the upper control band you can access the additional History and Reports menus.
From the History menu you can select the data relating to the last 6 months of machine operation, choosing the vehicle in question from those in the fleet in the Vehicle space and the month in the next field.
Immediately below, the days referring to the chosen month will be listed, with the total Km and hours per day next to them. By clicking on a particular day, the system highlights an exploded view of the activities, in which the start time and stop time for each of them appear, reporting the corresponding memorized points in the cartography on the right.
By selecting the number corresponding to the first activity (or trip), the map will zoom in on the indicated point, opening the corresponding Start Activity window.
The following are shown in the window in this order:
Point time
GPS status
Direction of movement
Operator/Driver with the ID of the corresponding electronic key paired
Finally, by clicking on next you can scroll through the points related to the activity or trip in question, for which the green icon represents the beginning while the red one represents the end. These intervals are configured according to the factory or custom settings.
The Reports section allows access to the report pages, which can be viewed on screen, exported to the most common files or set up for automatic monthly sending by the server (Only "Monthly Activity" and "Monthly Work and Consumption" Reports).
First, the fields are shown through which you can choose the Date, Vehicle/Machine and Report of interest from those available.
By selecting the date and the machine of interest, in the Reports section we can identify the following Reports:
Activities (monthly)
By selecting the "Activity" report, the field appears next to which you can enter the email address to which you want to send the monthly summary PDF file of the activities, if set.
You can only enter one email address.
The "Monthly Activity" report displays all the activities created by the fleet manager in the selected month, highlighting the phases and current status of the activity itself.
The importance of archiving this report is underlined, for business purposes and for any future checks in the context of maintaining Industry 4.0 requirements.
Work and Consumption (weekly)
The "Weekly Work and Consumption" report shows the total hours of work carried out by the machine each week and, if the data is present among those provided by the machine's electronics, also the total litres and fuel consumption.
Everything is detailed in the individual daily operations, highlighting the working and stopping time with the relative position.
Works and Consumption (monthly)
The "Monthly Work and Consumption" report maintains the same structure as the previous weekly report, with a time interval referring to the month of work.
As for the "Activity" report, here too you can set the email for the monthly sending of the summary PDF file, regardless of whether the work activity has been set or not.
Also for this report, the importance of archiving is emphasized, keeping it in your company for work purposes and any future checks in the context of maintaining Industry 4.0 requirements.
Travel (daily summary)
The "Daily Trip Summary" report collects in a synthetic and intuitive way, the kilometers and hours traveled by the vehicle in a specific working day.
The lines highlight the detail by alternating the parking time and the travel/operation time with reference to the duration, the position and the driver/operator identified by the electronic key provided.
Travel (daily)
The "Daily Trips" report has the same structure as the previous one, but also highlights the individual points, set during the planning phase, that make up each single portion of work.
The following reports:
Fuel Probe Data (Daily)
Fuel Probe Graph (Daily)
Fuel Probe Graph (Weekly)
Fuel Probe Card (monthly)
Excise duties (monthly)
they require the installation of the relevant accessories "Fuel probe" and "Counter for excise duty relief".
Therefore, they are not active without the presence of such devices.
For any information on this matter, you can contact your machine's salesman/dealer or TnD directly.
For information and technical support:
TnD Srl
Via Achille Grandi, 7c
20062 Cassano d’Adda MI
Tel. +39 0363 704211
Mob. +39 345 6947495
PI/CF 07421120960